Thanks for visiting our booth!

Quality, reliable kitchen solutions, made by people who love food. Delicious, not difficult.

It was great to see you at the Shamrock Crave show.

Let’s get you a sample.

Download a PDF of our full product line HERE.

That beer cheese pizza you tried at the show? Check it out here!


Find the Queso with Polidori Chorizo HERE!

Here’s what is stocked at Shamrock.

3745101 - Aged White Cheese Sauce

4377041 - Beer Cheese Dip

4805211 - Salsa Verde

2918951 - Chile Con Queso

4517321 - Roasted Salsa Asada

19911701 - Alfredo Sauce

4609101 - Queso Blanco

4067771 - Smoky Morita Salsa

4598091 - Beef Taco Filling