Ready Foods

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Steakhouse Sandwich

Indulge your guests in the ultimate steak sandwich experience, featuring the rich and luxurious Demi Glace. Our Demi adds a velvety smoothness to the dish, enhancing the natural savoriness of the steak. Tossed with steak ends and served with a selection of premium toppings like blue cheese, guacamole, pickled onions, Swiss cheese, and caramelized onions, this sandwich is a celebration of taste and texture.

The beauty of this recipe lies in its simplicity and the operational benefits it offers to chefs and restaurateurs:


#7166 Ready Foods Demi Glace


Topping Ideas: Blue cheese, guacamole, pickled onions, Swiss cheese, caramelized onions


Elevate your menu with a Steakhouse Sandwich special, featuring the rich smoothness of our Demi Glace. This recipe is designed to deliver the sophisticated flavors your diners crave while simplifying kitchen operations and cutting down on labor costs. Use steak ends tossed in the Demi and served with favorite toppings.

Operational Benefits:

  • Streamlined Service: Our Demi Glace allows for a quick and efficient sandwich assembly, perfect for busy lunch rushes or high-demand dinner services.

  • Consistent Delight: With our standardized Demi Glace, every steak sandwich served is a masterpiece of flavor, ensuring customer satisfaction every time.

  • Seasonal Flexibility: The rich flavors of the steak sandwich make it a versatile menu item that can be adapted to seasonal ingredients and trends.

Marketing Tips:

  • Promote the Premium: Accentuate the upscale nature of the Steakhouse Sandwich in your marketing efforts to attract a discerning clientele.

  • Strategic Pairings: Suggest pairing the steak sandwich with high-margin beverages or sides to enhance the dining experience and boost profitability.